Why do I teach Trigger Point Release…Differently
When I first learned classic Trigger Point Therapy over ten years ago I thought it was a nifty way to be able to release tissue and help my clients find pain relief. It was one of the first techniques I went to because it was effective.
An interesting thing happened however that changed my approach to this technique. When I became a Certified Rolfer™ a whole other world of work opened up to me. I was aware of the fascia and of the nervous system and I learned how to facilitate change in my client at a profound level. I bring this up because as I was learning Rolfing I would think to myself: “I wonder how I can apply this knowledge to other techniques.” Soon afterwards I took a fascial approach to trigger points and saw an increase in my effectiveness.
And so it went on. As I learned modalities that work myo-fascial tissue differently, I started to cross-pollinate the knowledge with other modalities. I remember very distinctly several years ago. I was working with a partner doing a type of positional release technique in a workshop and I thought: “I wonder if I can apply this same approach to Trigger Point Release. When I went back to my practice I tried a positional release approach to addressing a trigger point and my success rate increased even more.
As I kept learning, I kept cross-pollinating, keeping what worked and leaving out what didn’t. I also added my own spin to it. In the end I had an approach to Trigger Point Release that was focused, specific, and had a high success rate. When something is that successful in my practice I can’t help but want to share it with as many people as possible, and that’s why I teach my approach to Trigger Point Release!