Marty Morales
Jul 3, 20173 min read
What’s up with all these fascia tools?
One day a client of mine sent me a text asking me about a fascia tool that she’s seen advertised on Facebook. The tool promised to get...

Marty Morales
May 1, 20172 min read
A Primer on Structural Integration – How it Differs
So, what's the big deal with body reading in the way that SI practitioners do it? Well, one answer to that is, SI practitioners employ...

Marty Morales
Oct 22, 20163 min read
What the heck is Deep Tissue Massage?
In 2016, a student of mine came to tell me a story. She has taken many of my workshops and is a great bodyworker although being in the...

Marty Morales
Sep 22, 20162 min read
Why do I teach Trigger Point Release…Differently
When I first learned classic Trigger Point Therapy over ten years ago I thought it was a nifty way to be able to release tissue and help...

Marty Morales
Aug 4, 20164 min read
An Excerpt from "Deep Tissue Bodywork - A New Approach to a Classic Modality" by Marty Morales
The neck is a fascinating part of the human body. In our culture and in our expressions the neck has made itself clear as an exclamation...

Marty Morales
Apr 15, 20137 min read
Body-Mind Mechanics: A Holistic View
Keen bodyworkers are always on the lookout for good information about body mechanics. We often focus only on the physical aspect of what...