Marty Morales
Aug 28, 20174 min read
Going Deep with the Deep Front Line
So here we go! Let me start off by saying I have my own method and (of course) I use my own method in my work. You would assume so,...

Marty Morales
Jul 3, 20173 min read
What’s up with all these fascia tools?
One day a client of mine sent me a text asking me about a fascia tool that she’s seen advertised on Facebook. The tool promised to get...

Marty Morales
Oct 22, 20163 min read
What the heck is Deep Tissue Massage?
In 2016, a student of mine came to tell me a story. She has taken many of my workshops and is a great bodyworker although being in the...

Marty Morales
Sep 22, 20162 min read
Why do I teach Trigger Point Release…Differently
When I first learned classic Trigger Point Therapy over ten years ago I thought it was a nifty way to be able to release tissue and help...

Marty Morales
Aug 4, 20164 min read
An Excerpt from "Deep Tissue Bodywork - A New Approach to a Classic Modality" by Marty Morales
The neck is a fascinating part of the human body. In our culture and in our expressions the neck has made itself clear as an exclamation...

Marty Morales
Apr 15, 20137 min read
Body-Mind Mechanics: A Holistic View
Keen bodyworkers are always on the lookout for good information about body mechanics. We often focus only on the physical aspect of what...